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2 posts tagged with "Gradle"

Gradle build Tool

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Developing a Gradle plugin

· 8 min read
Moonlit maintanier


I've recently been learning how to write a Gradle plugin and want to document my insights.

Types of Plugins

There are three ways to implement a Gradle plugin: Script plugins, Precompiled script plugins, and Binary plugins.

  • Script plugins: The plugin logic is implemented directly in the build.gradle file and can only be used in the current build.
  • Precompiled script plugins: The plugin logic is implemented in a separate file (either .gradle or .gradle.kts) within the project and can be used across multiple builds in the project.
  • Binary plugins: The plugin logic is implemented in a standalone project and packaged as a JAR file, which can be referenced and used in other projects by including the JAR file.

In this article, we'll create a Binary plugin using a separate project.