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Java Inner Classes and Static Inner Classes

· 6 min read
Moonlit maintanier


In Java programming, inner classes and static inner classes are two important concepts. They allow defining one class within another, thereby improving code readability and organization. This article will provide a detailed explanation of the concepts, use cases, underlying implementation, and differences between inner classes and static inner classes.

Spring Boot Configuration for Springdoc

· 2 min read
Moonlit maintanier


Recently upgraded SpringBoot to 2.7.5, found that swagger is not working well. After searching online, I found that the problem existed since version 2.6.6. Looking at springfox's GitHub, I saw that someone had raised an issue back in 2020, and it's still not closed. The solutions are quite cumbersome. I plan to replace springfox with springdoc.


This uses swagger3, the annotations are somewhat different from swagger2.