Spring Boot Configuration for Springdoc
Recently upgraded SpringBoot to 2.7.5, found that swagger is not working well. After searching online, I found that the problem existed since version 2.6.6. Looking at springfox's GitHub, I saw that someone had raised an issue back in 2020, and it's still not closed. The solutions are quite cumbersome. I plan to replace springfox with springdoc.
This uses swagger3, the annotations are somewhat different from swagger2.
Adding Dependencies
implementation 'org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-ui:1.6.6'
Do not use 1.6.12
for now, it has a bug that causes swagger-ui to return 500. If you want to use 1.6.x, use 1.6.6
. Versions below 1.6.6 have an issue where accessing swagger-ui will default to using swagger instance data, and you need to manually enter /v3/api-docs
in the explorer to see the project's API data.
Using swagger-ui
Simply add the dependency, and you're good to go. Start the project and visit http://IP:PORT/swagger-ui.html
or http://IP:PORT/swagger-ui/index.html
Configuring springdoc
Global Authorizations
By default, there is no global authoriz
(the authoriz button in swagger).
public class SwaggerConfig {
public OpenAPI openAPI() {
final String securityName = "Auth Name";
return new OpenAPI()
.addSecurityItem(new SecurityRequirement().addList(securityName))
new Components()
new SecurityScheme()
.info(new Info().title("Title").version("v1.0.0"));
: the name of the parameter in the header
Filtering swagger-displayed APIs
With the default configuration, you may see some APIs that are not written in the project, such as swagger APIs and openapi APIs. To filter these APIs, configure application.yml
packages-to-scan: package name
paths-to-match: /api/v1/**